short stories

 Grandma in the Digital World

Grandma Sri is a 75-year-old woman who has lived all her life in a small village. She never felt the need to use modern technology. However, after her children migrated to the big city and her grandchildren were more often on their cell phones than playing outside, Grandma Sri felt a little left out.

One day, her favorite granddaughter, Rani, came to visit. Rani, a tech-savvy teenager, saw her grandmother sitting on the terrace weaving. She approached and spoke excitedly, “Nek, why don't you try using a cell phone? Everyone uses them now, you can make calls, send messages, and even see your grandchildren through videos.”

Grandma Sri chuckled. “Well, Rani, I'm old. I don't know how to use it.”

But Rani didn't give up. She took out her spare phone and started teaching her grandmother how to use messaging apps, watch videos, and even take photos. Sri's grandmother, although awkward at first, eventually became interested. She was amazed when she saw the faces of her children and grandchildren on the small screen.

“Wow, I can see you from here, right?” she said with a smile. She got used to pressing the buttons on the screen.

After a few hours of learning, Rani felt confident enough that her grandmother could use the cell phone well. “Nek, now Rani has to go home, but Grandma can call Rani anytime!”

Grandma Sri nodded and waved as Rani left. After that, she sat back in her rocking chair, trying to get to know her new cell phone better. She started pressing buttons and opening various applications.

However, not long after, something strange happened. She accidentally sent blank messages to all her contacts on the phone. When she realized her mistake, she tried to fix it, but instead sent funny stickers to a family group she never knew existed.

“Oh my God, what did I do?” she said in panic.

After that, she found the video call button and, by accident, contacted all the family members at the same time. One by one, the faces of her children and grandchildren appeared on the screen. They all looked confused.

“Grandma, why the sudden video call?” asked one of her grandchildren.

Grandma Sri, who was already starting to panic, could only smile awkwardly. “Grandma... I just want to see you all,” she replied stammeringly.

The atmosphere on the screen turned to laughter. Everyone in the family started laughing at her enthusiasm for technology. “Grandma, don't worry! We're all happy to chat with Grandma like this!” said one of her children.

Since that incident, Grandma Sri has been more willing to try new things on her cell phone. Every day, she sends funny messages, makes video calls, and even learns how to use social media to see pictures of her grandchildren. Of course, she still made the occasional mistake, like posting a photo of her kale stir-fry to her grandchildren's social media accounts or sending a voicemail with the sound of a rooster crowing in the morning.

However, instead of getting angry, Grandma Sri's family is happy and interacts with her more and more. They began to realize that technology could bring them closer together, despite the distance. And Grandma Sri, who used to be afraid of technology, now felt closer to her family.

Grandma Sri has finally become part of the digital world, and despite the many funny mistakes, everyone knows that whenever their cell phone rings and a strange message appears, it must be Grandma Sri learning something new.

short stories

Andi's Magic Shoes

Andi is a teenager who is very enthusiastic about fashion. He always wants to look cool in front of his friends. One day, while strolling through a market, he came across a small shoe shop that sold unique items. There, she spotted a pair of shoes that looked really cool - bright red in color with shiny soles.

“This looks like what I've been looking for,” Andi thought as she held up the shoes. The price was affordable, so without hesitation, Andi bought them.

When he got home, Andi couldn't wait to try on his new shoes. She put them on and stood in front of the mirror. “Wow, I look amazing!” she said as she posed. But when Andi tried to take a step, her foot moved backwards by itself. She was shocked.

“What happened?” Andi tried to take another step forward, but every time her feet moved, she stepped backwards. It was as if the shoes had a mind of their own.

Andi was confused. She tried to run forward, but instead she moved backward faster. He slid backwards across the room, bumping into the table and almost falling onto the bed. With great difficulty, Andi managed to sit up and take off her shoes.

“This is so weird,” she muttered. She examined the shoe, trying to find a button or secret mechanism, but there was nothing. They looked like normal shoes, but something was clearly wrong

Andi decided to go outside and try out the shoes on the street. “Maybe if I go outside, I can find a way to control them,” she thought.

As soon as Andi stepped outside and put her shoes back on, the strange incident happened again. Every time she tried to walk forward, her feet would step backward. People who saw him on the street started laughing and whispering, thinking Andi was performing some kind of magic act.

“Andi, are you practicing walking backwards?” a neighbor shouted with laughter.

Andi could only smile wryly. “No, Tante, these are my weird shoes!” he retorted. However, the more he tried to walk forward, the faster he stepped backward, until finally he crashed into a passing meatball cart.

“Eh, be careful, Sis!” the bakso man was shocked while holding his cart which was about to overturn.

Andi finally decided to stop trying to walk and sat on the side of the road thinking. “How can I walk forward in these shoes?” he thought out loud.

Then, he suddenly got an idea. “What if I try walking backwards first?” Andi stood up and started walking backwards. Surprisingly, when he stepped backwards, the shoes actually made him walk forward!

Andi laughed to herself. “So, the key is to do the opposite!” He started running backwards, but this time he was moving forward. The onlookers were even more confused, but Andi was satisfied that he could finally control the magic shoes.

Over the next few days, Andi became more and more adept at controlling his shoes. He began to get used to walking backwards to go forwards, and even showed his new “trick” to his friends at school. At first, they laughed and thought Andi was weird, but eventually they became interested and wanted to try the shoes too.

One day, Andi's school held a running competition. Andi's friends who knew about his magic shoes challenged him to participate. “Come on, Andi, show us what your shoes can do!” they shouted.

Andi hesitated for a moment, but finally agreed. “Okay, but don't be surprised if I win!”

On the day of the race, everyone at school was surprised to see Andi running backwards along the track. However, thanks to his magic shoes, Andi managed to run at an incredible speed and won the race easily. The audience cheered loudly, and Andi became the school's hero in an instant.

After the race, many people asked Andi about the secret of his shoes. But Andi just smiled and said, “The secret to success is to see things from a different perspective.”

Since then, Andi has been known as “Andi the Magic Shoe” in his school. Although the shoes often make him look ridiculous, he has learned that strange and unexpected things can become advantages if we know how to use them. And who would have thought that the shoes that were initially considered problematic would actually make Andi famous!

short stories

The Parking Driver with Memory Loss

Kerja di Jakarta tersiksa Tukang Parkir liar, orang Medan jadi Stres!

Mr. Man was a long-time parking attendant at a famous shopping center in the city. Everyone there knows him as a friendly person who always remembers where each car is parked. In fact, in a day, hundreds of cars come in and out of the parking lot, but Mr. Man can always pinpoint exactly where their vehicles are.

One morning, after getting off his old motorbike and putting on his orange parking vest, Pak Man felt something strange. As he was preparing to start his workday, he suddenly slipped on a slippery puddle. Mr. Man's head hit the ground hard. Although dizzy, he felt fine and continued his work.

However, when a woman approached him and said, “Sir, where did you park my red car?” Mr. Man was suddenly confused.

“Car... red car, ma'am?” Mr. Man tried to remember. However, in his head, all the cars looked the same. He could only stare at her with a confused expression.

“Yes, sir, my car is a red sedan. I parked it this morning,” she said again patiently.

Mr. Man scratched his head, “Well, ma'am... How come I forgot? Hm... Try walking around the parking lot first, then I'll try to remember.”

She let out a long sigh, then decided to look for her own car. Mr. Man stood at his post trying hard to remember where she had parked her car. But strangely, all memories of the parking lot suddenly disappeared from his mind.

After she left, a young man came rushing up. “Sir, where did you park my Green Ninja bike? I'm in a hurry!”

Mr. Man frowned. “Green Ninja bike? Well, Mas... I think it's parked at... er, wait... at... er...”

The man looked at Mr. Man in surprise. “Where, sir? I need to hurry!”

Frantically, Mr. Man could only point randomly in the direction of the parking lot. The man rushed there, only to find a row of motorcycles, none of which were green. Mr. Man felt even more guilty.

Over the next few hours, the atmosphere in the parking lot became chaotic. People were pacing back and forth looking for their vehicles. Some looked confused, others were getting annoyed. The mall guards were also confused by the number of people who couldn't find their vehicles.

Mr. Man, who was usually alert and agile, could now only sit in his chair with his hands on his head, trying to remember what exactly happened. He began to feel anxious; how could he forget something that he had done every day for years?

At noon, Mr. Man finally decided to go to a nearby clinic to get his head checked. The doctor at the clinic heard his story and immediately realized that Mr Man had a mild concussion from the fall earlier that morning.

“Mr. Man, it looks like you have a slight short-term memory loss due to the impact this morning,” the doctor said in a calm tone. “But don't worry, your memory will return in no time.”

Mr. Man breathed a sigh of relief. At least, this problem wouldn't last long. However, he still felt guilty for making a mess in the parking lot.

After receiving treatment, Mr. Man returned to his workplace. Although his memory still hadn't fully recovered, he tried to keep working while waiting for his memory to return.

As the afternoon came, Mr. Man's memory began to gradually recover. He started to remember where some cars were parked, although not all of them. He helped the few remaining customers and apologized for his confusion.

At the end of the day, when all the cars and bikes were finally found, Mr. Man sat exhausted at his post. His coworkers approached him and patted him on the shoulder with big smiles.

“Mr. Man, it turns out you're still great even though you forgot a bit!” one of his colleagues said with a laugh. “But be careful on the road next time!”

Mr. Man laughed with relief, raised his hand, and said, “Yes, I'll be more careful next time. But I think I need to rest tomorrow!”

And sure enough, the next day Mr. Man took time off to rest and recuperate fully. When he returned to work, his memory was back to normal, and everyone in the mall was relieved to see their trusty parking attendant back.

However, every time Mr. Man saw a puddle of water, he would smile to himself and say, “Better stay away from here, I'll forget again!”

short stories

 Budi and the Magic Chair

Budi is a man who likes to hunt for antiques at flea markets. One day, while wandering around one of the biggest flea markets in his city, he saw an old chair that looked worn out but had a very beautiful carving. Without thinking, Budi decided to buy it. The seller, an old man with a mysterious smile, gave a very low price.

"This chair looks antique and luxurious," Budi thought as he paid. "It will definitely look good in the living room."

After arriving home, Budi placed the chair in the corner of his living room. To test its comfort, Budi immediately sat on it. However, as soon as he sat down, something strange happened. The originally quiet living room suddenly spun rapidly like a carousel, and Budi felt as if he was being pulled into a vortex.

When the vortex stopped, Budi opened his eyes and found himself in the middle of a soccer field, right in the middle of a match in progress! The players were surprised to see a man sitting on an old chair in the middle of the field.

"What the hell?" shouted one of the players while trying to stop the ball that almost hit Budi's chair.

Budi quickly got up from his chair, carried the chair to the sidelines, and escaped before the spectators and players got angry at him for stopping the game. After leaving the field, Budi stopped to rest. He stared at the chair in confusion. "What just happened?"

After thinking for a while, Budi decided to try sitting on the chair again, just to confirm whether what he had just experienced had really happened. Once again, as soon as he sat down, the vortex pulled him back in. When the vortex stopped, Budi was in the hall of an important meeting. The meeting participants were silent and looked at Budi with wide-eyed eyes.

"Who are you, and why are you sitting in the middle of this important meeting?" asked one of the participants in a serious tone.

Feeling panicked, Budi immediately got up and apologized, while trying to explain the situation. However, he knew they wouldn't believe him. Without further ado, Budi ran out of the hall with his magic chair.

Realizing that this chair did have strange powers, Budi began to experiment. He sat on the chair in various places and each time he ended up in a different location-sometimes in a park, in the middle of a mall, even once in front of his neighbor's house who was angry because he lost his cat.

One time, Budi sat on a chair in the kitchen of his house. The vortex came again, and this time he appeared on the stage of a comedy show on national TV. The audience laughed loudly as Budi appeared out of nowhere, sitting with a confused expression on an old chair. The host burst into laughter.

"Looks like we have an uninvited guest star!" said the host as he approached Budi. Feeling that there was nothing he could do, Budi decided to join in the fun and entertain the audience with his hilarious stories about his strange journey with the chair.

After that incident, Budi became famous as "The Man with the Magic Chair". Every time he appeared in unexpected places, people started laughing and asking, "Budi, where else will your chair take you?"

Budi, who was once just an ordinary guy, is now a local celebrity. And although the chair is often inconvenient for him, Budi can always find the funny side in every trip. He never knew where he would end up, but one thing was for sure, his life was never boring again.

The old chair, which he originally bought just for display, is now the center of Budi's unexpected comedic adventures. Although he sometimes wishes he could just sit quietly at home without being surprised by the magical vortex, Budi realizes that the chair has given him a great life experience

And finally, whenever Budi wants to share a funny and unique story, he just needs to sit on his magic chair, and a new adventure begins.

short stories

Birthday Surprise

 Budi is a man who is always busy with work and never has time to celebrate his birthday festively. Every year, his birthday is always spent in the office, staring at the computer screen while typing reports. However, this year, his office mates decided to give him an unforgettable surprise.

It all started when Andi, Budi's famously ignorant colleague, had an idea to play a prank on Budi. "What if we make Budi believe that today is not his birthday?" Andi suggested with a chuckle. Everyone in the office agreed, and the plan began.

That morning, when Budi walked into the office, everyone behaved as usual. No one wished him a happy birthday, no one brought a cake, no one even mentioned the date. Budi felt something was strange, but he thought maybe they had all forgotten.

Lunchtime came, and Andi approached Budi with a serious face. "Hey, Bud, you know what? I just remembered, today isn't actually your birthday. Your birthday is next week, right?"

Budi was stunned. "Huh? Isn't today the 12th of August?" he asked while looking at the calendar on the table. But what was his surprise when he saw that the date on the calendar had been changed to 5 August! "Did I remember wrong?"

Everyone in the office pretends not to know anything, even they show the same date on their mobile phones. Budi began to doubt and thought maybe he had remembered wrongly.

As the working hours were almost over, Budi felt a little disappointed. "Maybe it's true, my birthday is next week," he muttered. He decided to go home early.

However, when Budi arrived at the office exit, suddenly the lights went out and the atmosphere became pitch black. "What is this?" Budi thought in panic.

Suddenly, the lights came back on, and all of Budi's colleagues emerged from behind their desks, shouting, "Happy birthday, Budi!" They brought a big cake, balloons, and funny birthday hats. Budi, who was still confused, could only laugh out loud.

"So, the date on the calendar is...?" asked Budi with a laugh.

"That's just part of our plan!" replied Andi, patting Budi on the shoulder. "We just wanted to see how confused you were. Turns out, it worked!"

Budi couldn't help but laugh. "You guys are crazy friends! Thank you for this hilarious surprise!"

That night, the office was filled with laughter, jokes, and a joyful atmosphere. Budi went home with a big smile, realising that despite their nosiness, his office mates really cared about him.