short stories

 Budi and the Magic Chair

Budi is a man who likes to hunt for antiques at flea markets. One day, while wandering around one of the biggest flea markets in his city, he saw an old chair that looked worn out but had a very beautiful carving. Without thinking, Budi decided to buy it. The seller, an old man with a mysterious smile, gave a very low price.

"This chair looks antique and luxurious," Budi thought as he paid. "It will definitely look good in the living room."

After arriving home, Budi placed the chair in the corner of his living room. To test its comfort, Budi immediately sat on it. However, as soon as he sat down, something strange happened. The originally quiet living room suddenly spun rapidly like a carousel, and Budi felt as if he was being pulled into a vortex.

When the vortex stopped, Budi opened his eyes and found himself in the middle of a soccer field, right in the middle of a match in progress! The players were surprised to see a man sitting on an old chair in the middle of the field.

"What the hell?" shouted one of the players while trying to stop the ball that almost hit Budi's chair.

Budi quickly got up from his chair, carried the chair to the sidelines, and escaped before the spectators and players got angry at him for stopping the game. After leaving the field, Budi stopped to rest. He stared at the chair in confusion. "What just happened?"

After thinking for a while, Budi decided to try sitting on the chair again, just to confirm whether what he had just experienced had really happened. Once again, as soon as he sat down, the vortex pulled him back in. When the vortex stopped, Budi was in the hall of an important meeting. The meeting participants were silent and looked at Budi with wide-eyed eyes.

"Who are you, and why are you sitting in the middle of this important meeting?" asked one of the participants in a serious tone.

Feeling panicked, Budi immediately got up and apologized, while trying to explain the situation. However, he knew they wouldn't believe him. Without further ado, Budi ran out of the hall with his magic chair.

Realizing that this chair did have strange powers, Budi began to experiment. He sat on the chair in various places and each time he ended up in a different location-sometimes in a park, in the middle of a mall, even once in front of his neighbor's house who was angry because he lost his cat.

One time, Budi sat on a chair in the kitchen of his house. The vortex came again, and this time he appeared on the stage of a comedy show on national TV. The audience laughed loudly as Budi appeared out of nowhere, sitting with a confused expression on an old chair. The host burst into laughter.

"Looks like we have an uninvited guest star!" said the host as he approached Budi. Feeling that there was nothing he could do, Budi decided to join in the fun and entertain the audience with his hilarious stories about his strange journey with the chair.

After that incident, Budi became famous as "The Man with the Magic Chair". Every time he appeared in unexpected places, people started laughing and asking, "Budi, where else will your chair take you?"

Budi, who was once just an ordinary guy, is now a local celebrity. And although the chair is often inconvenient for him, Budi can always find the funny side in every trip. He never knew where he would end up, but one thing was for sure, his life was never boring again.

The old chair, which he originally bought just for display, is now the center of Budi's unexpected comedic adventures. Although he sometimes wishes he could just sit quietly at home without being surprised by the magical vortex, Budi realizes that the chair has given him a great life experience

And finally, whenever Budi wants to share a funny and unique story, he just needs to sit on his magic chair, and a new adventure begins.


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